Young philosophers challenge boundaries of the mind
What is philosophy? What does it mean to think freely and independently? How can I express my thoughts artistically? At DENKEN denken (‚Think Thinking‘) children between the age of 10 and 13 become philosophers. Through their artistic endeavours, they find out what philosophy is all about, what it can be used for and what it is even possible to philosophise about. How can we rethink thinking and what are the questions that everyone asks themselves?
The little atomists go beyond the usual discursive philosophising and manifest philosophy as art. Examples of their exploits so far include a temporary museum and an obstacle course at Kottbusser Tor where the young philosophers play around with participants’ internal and external orientation points. The project has explored Nietzsche, Kant, Wittgenstein and Thomas Nagel so far.
From September 2018 to June 2019 the group are venturing a new thought experiment, taking their inspiration from the fragments of the Presocratic Philosophers. The results promise to be exciting!
DENKEN denken is run by Fred Pommerehn, Julia Schreiner and Rudi Keiler Gómez de Mello.