Refugees in Berlin-based companies!
As part of bridge – Berlin Netzwerk für Bleiberecht – our contact office brings together refugees from Berlin and companies.
We prepare refugees for working life. If necessary, we provide targeted referrals to various bridge projects, S27 offers – especially the ARRIVO BERLIN Übungswerkstätten training workshops – and other projects to develop personal and professional skills and actively support the application process.
We advise Berlin-based companies on all aspects of integration into employment and training. They benefit from a perfect match, motivated young trainees and employees, and experienced advice on asylum and residence law issues or funding opportunities. The contact office also provides advice on any problems that may occur, such as psychosocial issues or conflicts.
Berlin companies – mostly from the craft trades sector – place their job offers with the contact office and become part of the company network. In the context of information events, taster days and excursions, the office draws attention to unfamiliar, but promising occupational areas.
Interested? Please feel free to contact us.
Contact persons at the S27 contact office:
Margarete Heitmüller| m.heitmueller@s27.de | +49 30 6177673-62
Excursions, trade courses, internships, training. On the way to professional life.
The bridge contact office is a project by S27 – Art and Education and part of “bridge – Berliner Netzwerke für Bleiberecht“. The project “bridge – Berliner Netzwerke für Bleiberecht“ is funded within the framework of the programme “WIR − Netzwerke integrieren Geflüchtete in den regionalen Arbeitsmarkt” by the “Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales” and the European Union via “Europäischer Sozialfonds Plus (ESF Plus)” and co-financed by Berlin state funds.