An art project by Jerszy Seymour together with S27 – Art and Education and Berlin’s Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts)
New forms of communal living, learning and producing: numerous international artists, designers, activists and young people, some of which had to flee from their countries and are now part of S27’s community, are involved in creating a living social sculpture. With ‘Mutuogenesis’, we focus on forms of applied and collaborative art practice and contribute to re-evaluating the applied arts. We test social, structure-changing productions through everyday life organisation, design, scenic and musical creations.
Over the course of a year, a multi-coloured metamorphic exhibition landscape is created – collaborative construction sites, lectures, happenings and performances in the “Lucky Garage” at the urban laboratory Falscher Fisch and in the museum invite guests and co-workers to experiment and join in.