“When I eat fried banana, I think of my village. For me, it’s the food of my childhood.” – Phuong
For each of us, some tastes and smells work like short time travels. Suddenly we find ourselves back in our childhood, in very specific places with very special people. We are interested in these memory tunnels. We walk on the trails of remembered tastes and the stories associated with them from all over the world.
We’re searching for individual approaches to the food trade and discovering cooking methods and tastes from the different countries of our childhood. We’re looking back even further and finding historical cooking techniques. And we’re looking ahead into a world of diversity, in which one culinary highlight chases the next.
We are international people in an international house in an international world. We meet in the kitchen and say, ‘guten Appetit!’.
And our cookbook will be coming out around the end of the year!
Thank you very much for your generous support!