We’re building an automaton orchestra!

Rappel, schepper, zack, bumm, Klang!

Over four workshop sessions we did use found materials, electric motors and microcontrollers to construct an automaton orchestra in the GLASHAUS PRENZLAU. In workshops at the Berlin Haus der Statistik (House of Statistics), two additional motorised sound sculptures were created.

In early 2021, while still in the midst of lockdowns and states of isolation, came the idea of sound devices that can be played together on the internet (inspired by the oeuvre of the artist Zimoun), and a chorus-playable machine orchestra, the Pandharmonium, emerged.

It turns out that we can realise part of the project in the GLASHAUS PRENZLAU – a former car dealership whose transformation into a hub for art, culture and education, was partly initiated by S27 – Art and Education. A lucky coincidence: 6000 square meters of playground full of tools, hydraulic platforms, spare parts, scrap materials, tin cans and old heavy duty shelves. The latter are gradually becoming the preferred resource and source of sound for our Pandharmonium.

Graphics: Luis Krummenacher


Building a sound apparatus with microcontrollers means getting creative with analogue processes but also offers a great first glimpse into the world of codes, bits and bytes. Our noise machines and music sculptures can be controlled through our website (pandharmonium.net) and was premiered on September 5, 2021 in Berlin, in Prenzlau, and online as part of the Festival für selbstgebaute Musik (‘festival for self-made music’).

Photos: Johanna Lucht
Graphics: Luis Krummenacher


Further workshops and explorations into the sounding regions of our analog environment will follow in Berlin, enriched by important experiences. Together with “self-built music” we design and build more instruments and sound arrangements that elevate distance to the principle of play. Sven and Anna from Dance_Lab27 work out a performance with us and get us and the instruments moving.


10. & 11. AUGUST | 5-7.30 pm | Haus der Materialisierung (Part of Haus der Statistik, entry via Berolinastr.)
27, 28 & 29 SEPTEMBER | dis TANZ instrumente | Haus der Statistik, Haus C, Otto-Braun-Str. 70-72
27.9. | 4-7 pm | Building distance instruments with Hajo and Sascha of selbstgebaute Musik
27.9. | 5-9pm Uhr | Performe and dance with Sven and Anna of Dance_Lab27
28.9. | 4-7 pm | Building distance instruments with Hajo and Sascha of selbstgebaute Musik
28.9. | 6-9 pm | Perform and dance with Sven and Anna of Dance_Lab27
29.9. | 3-8 pm | Building distance instruments with Hajo and Sascha of selbstgebaute Musik
29.9. | 5-9 pm | Perform and dance with Sven and Anna of Dance_Lab plus performance Aufführung

Where: GLASHAUS PRENZLAU | former Opel-Autohaus, Triftstr. 
SESSION 1: 22 - 25 JULY | 11 am - 1 pm + 2-5 pm 
SESSION 2: 29 JULY - 1 AUGUST | 11 am - 1 pm + 2 - 5 pm 
SESSION 3: 12 - 15 AUGUST | 11 am - 1 pm + 2 - 5 pm Uhr 
SESSION 4: 27 - 29 AUGUST | 11 am - 1 pm + 2 - 5 pm 

Presentation at Glashaus Prenzlau, at Säälchen Berlin and online:


Artistic & technical direction
Manuel Strube

web development & interfacedesign
Andreas Rau

Concept, realisation, documentation
Luis Krummenacher

Interested? Questions? Registration? Mail to Luis:


In Cooperation with:

Funded by:

Graphics: Luis Krummenacher