Moving out from home? Moving in with friends? Yeah sure – but where to?
Already making plans, even though there aren’t any flats and hardly any shared rooms left?
Young Berliners, students, apprentices, refugees, who prefer to build for themselves instead of waiting, found CUCUwohnen – an experimental housing association! On their expeditions, the young visionaries discover hidden places in the city that hold secret potential – for implanting and spontaneous building, for small-scale solutions in the midst of gigantic problems.
The artists Matze Görig, Sebastian Daeschle, Federica Teti and Todosch Schlopsnies support the construction ideas. Together, the team is developing a model house catalog that offers living utopias and real architectural miniatures for brave tenants to try out.
The head office of CUCUwohnen is situated in the House of Statistics at Alexanderplatz. Right in the middle – just as it should be!