A former Opel car dealership in Prenzlau, very close to the train station, is becoming a new space of opportunity! In addition to art and cultural events, the location offers spaces for young creatives, artists, gastronomy, craft businesses and start-ups.
What’s the Schlesi doing in Brandenburg?
We are trying out our successful concept of the Bildungsmanufaktur in a location with completely different challenges. In rural areas, young people sometimes find it difficult to find their own way. This often results in a lack of perspective or the compulsion to leave. We believe that places like Prenzlau offer many opportunities: proximity to nature, a smaller, well known environment, and the trading history between Berlin, the Baltic Sea and the Polish border.
We want to discover this potential with a new Bildungsmanufaktur (‘education factory’) in Brandenburg. Adolescents and young adults have the possibility to meet experienced artists and craftsmen, develop design ideas, and put them into practice. Formally, this is called career orientation. We prefer to call it a personal journey of discovery. In the end, everyone knows what they’re made of. That’s what matters.
We initiated Das Glashaus together with our friends from HAPPY LOCALS and the Uckermark district. All of us are concerned with the topic of self-organised spaces for teenagers and young adults in rural areas. More about Das Glashaus and the planned activities can be found here shortly:
Das Glashaus takes its first steps as part of the uckerleben! Festivals that are currently taking off and that we’re allowed to help shape. Look forward to a colourful program with music events, gastronomy, workshops and much more. Further information can be found here:
Glashaus and Uckerleben! Kulturfestival
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