FRANK+FREI, that’s who we are. And we’re FRANKA too.

The ultimate furniture store, „FRANK+FREI”, was created over the summer holidays.
We’re all set up! Whether on the Dammweg neighbourhood campus in Neukölln, in our municipal utility in Marzahn, or in our courtyard in Kreuzberg. Because the city needs new furniture, new images, and new ideas for the future. This is our job!
On the FRANK+FREI tour there are Berlin Hocker (stools typical of Berlin), teamwork-instruments from the Kommodenorchesters (‘dresser orchestra’), fine art and arty-things, short news bulletins, political podcasts, opinion barometers on questions such as ‘where from?’ and ‘where to?’.
FRANK can be anything, do anything, become anything – we are so free! This summer we have cooked, painted, photographed, filmed, worked and built as much as we could!
Co-working Summer:
Clan B // Bildungsmanufaktur // ARRIVO Übungswerkstätten // Frauengruppe »Gena« // Stadtwerk mrzn // Kochinsel // SumSum // Taste of Home // Stadtbretter // Kommodenorchester
Kunst, Handwerk, Sprachen lernen und Design mit: Adama Keita, Carolina Kecskemethy, Dominik Sedlmayr, Fabian Faylona, Eileen Lampert, Aboubakar Sidibé, Astarte Posch, Katha Mau, Anja Tachler, Kimberly Wojtala, Marianne Mästling, Federica Teti, Todosch Schlopsnies, Christoph Dangelmaier, Stephan Neidert, Michael Wolke, Paula Erstmann, B A G, Studio ES, Katja Schmidt, Issa Totzmann, Nafei Abou Assi & Wesam Karema.
Oh, yes: every day we’ll have ice cream!
//Photo 2: Katha Mau, photo 3: Kathrin Glatz, other photos: Luis Krummenacher
//Photo 1,2: Katha Mauz, photo 3: Luis Krummenacher, photo 4-16: Kathrin Glatz, photo 17: Milad Safi, photo 18-22: Mohamed Badarne
Many thanks to all of our sponsors and partners:

And special thanks go to our supporters and friends in the sponsor association, without whose support our work would not be possible.