Together with the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), the foundation Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung and the artist group Trickmisch, S27 invites you to:
denk!mal FREIHEIT
20.09. | 12 – 22 h | Falscher Fisch, Ziegrastr. 1, 12057 Berlin
We want to ask about freedom: What exactly does it mean for each individual, what does it mean for all of us? Who gets to define freedom, who gets to participate in which freedoms? Why are many of us not free to decide, to vote, to work, to travel? How can we create more freedom for and with everyone? We must constantly come to a new understanding about all of this and negotiate which rules and freedoms should apply for ourselves and for everyone. Where and when? Here and now!
A group of international young people are currently working with the artist Matze Görig to transform our workshop in Neukölln into a large, artistic installation, creating a walk-in panopticon on the controversial concept of ‘freedom’ – our contribution to the Science Year 2024!
At the same time, our city lab Falscher Fisch will become a forum in which a large number of animated films will be shown. Pupils from all over Germany from the Ein Quadratkilometer Bildung network have produced these in workshops with researchers from the Berlin Social Science Centre (WZB) and the Trickmisch mobile language laboratory.
During the day:
12 – 1 pm | Opening with official greeting, tour with press & invited guests
1 – 3.30 pm | Games & hands-on activities for children and the young at heart:
– Further tours for schoolchildren & other guests
– TryOut with Monobloc installations: small Sitting Conference, the denk!mal to take away!
– ViceVersaVision & digital experiments with Trickmisch
– Play, dance and movement, performative confrontations with Monobloc chairs
– Creative boxes for a collective denk!mal
Food & drinks
4 – 10 pm | dance performance, exchange in a relaxed setting, music concert, beer garden
We are open again on 11 October!
12 – 10 pm | Falscher Fisch, Ziegrastr. 1, 12057 Berlin
During the day:
12 – 4 pm
– Further tours for pupils & other guests
– Building workshop
In the evening:
4 – 10 pm | Exchange in a relaxed atmosphere, music, beer garden
– Depending on the weather, we may move indoors (unfortunately not barrier-free).
//The denk!mal FREIHEIT project is being funded in the Science Year 2024.
The Science Year 2024 is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) together with Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD).
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