Wir bevorzugen das Offene gegenüber dem Geschlossenen. Wir schätzen den Übergang mehr als die Grenze. Wir mögen Portale lieber als Mauern!
Und wir freuen uns sehr Shared Studios in unserer „MACHEREI“ in der Schlesischen Str. 10/11 eine Berliner Bleibe zu bieten. Ihr Berliner Portal öffnet sich in den nächsten Wochen nach Lagos, Dallas, Montreal, New York, Bamako und Juniper!
Alle sind eingeladen interessante Gruppengespräche mit den Menschen dort zu führen. Kommt vorbei!
Die Gespräche finden in englischer Sprache statt.
Wednesday 04.03
18:30 – 19:30 w/ Juniper, Sunnyvale, USA
Use Your Words: How Language Shapes Moods and Movements
Which came first, your feelings or your words? In this connection, we will discuss how our language can affect our social reality. How does your vocabulary affect what you are able to feel? How do gendered languages impact the fight for gender equity? What are the words in our native tongues that have no counterparts in other languages? Are we missing out on a feeling we don’t have words for?
Friday 06.03
15:30 – 16:30 w/ Shelton School, Dallas, USA
Daily Discussion
An open discussion with students from the Shelton school to share the issues that affect our everyday lives and situate them in their respective cultural contexts.
Monday 09.03
18:20 – 19:00 w/ Doha, Qatar
Gender Equality: Are Quotas the Answer? – Doha Debates (RSVP encouraged)
Recent research suggests that most of us won’t live to see gender equality achieved worldwide, a milestone that is almost 100 years away. Awareness of this fact has fueled conversations around how to address this, and in this debate, our experts discuss one possible solution: quotas. Nevertheless, this remains highly controversial subject. Join Doha to evaluate this issue as part of Doha Debates, a live debate platform that examines complex global problems.
Tuesday 10.03
15:15 – 16:15 w/ Shelton School, Dallas, USA
Open Connection
A connection for an open-ended discussion between students at the Shelton School in Dallas and visitors in Berlin. Topics vary from education to daily life in the respective cities.
16:15 – 17:00 w/ El Progreso, Honduras
Brainstorm Connection
Berlin and El Progreso meet for the first time to collectively share ideas and brainstorm possible future programming that benefits both locations
16:15 – 17:00 w/ Centre Phi, Montreal, Canada
Portal Introduction and Brainstorm
The interdisciplinary and social arts Centre Phi is introduced to the Shared_Studios network through this connections. The two locations meet for the first time and brainstorm possible future programming.
Thursday 12.03
15:00 – 17:00 w/ Lagos, Nigeria
Monument Valley Textile Research (Non-public)
Project coordinators from the Monument Valley project at S27 meet with fashion students in Lagos to research fabric work and textile import and export in the Nigerian city.
17:00 – 19:00 w/ Littleton School, Massachusetts, USA
Educational discussion around the Holocaust
Join us for an educational discussion around the Holocaust with students from the Littleton Public Schools, with the opportunity from both sides to share their perspectives and how the respective countries view the topic today.
19:00 – 20:00 w/ Juniper, Sunnyvale, USA
The Makers Series: Make Your Mantra
Get your creativity flowing in this connection where you’ll come up with a personal mantra and design a visual representation of it! The word mantra originates in Sanskrit and has been translated in English in various ways: a hymn or song of praise, sacred message or text, charm, spell, counsel, or incantation. A personal mantra is an affirmation to motivate and inspire you to be your best self. It is typically a positive phrase or statement that you use to affirm the way you want to live your life. Its purpose is to provide motivation and encouragement to you when you need to focus your mind to achieve a goal.
Saturday 14.03
13:00 – 14:00 w/ Bamako, Mali
English Club
Students at the technology school in Bamako learn English through games and interactions with the Berlin Portal visitors.
14:00 – 15:00 w/ Kigali, Rwanda
Brainstorm Connection
Berlin and Kigali meet for the first time to collectively share ideas and brainstorm possible future programming that benefits both locations.
Thursday 19.03
18:00 – 19:00 w/ Juniper, Sunnyvale, USA
The Makers Series: Settlers of Catan
How do you make a board game into an exercise in understanding migration and colonization? In this connection, play a round of the popular Settlers of Catan, a board game that has players take over an imaginary landscape and rewards those who build the biggest settlements. Follow up the game with a conversation with our Portal friends in Berlin, a city home to a large migrant population. What can this game teach us about migration, resettlement, dignity, and land? Come find out!
Friday 20.03
14:30 – 16:00 w/ Bamako, Mali
Brainstorm Connection
Berlin and Bamako meet to collectively share ideas and brainstorm possible future programming that benefits both locations.
16:00 – 18:00 w/ Milwaukee, USA
Brainstorm Connection
Berlin and Milwaukee meet for the first time to collectively share ideas and brainstorm possible future programming that benefits both locations.
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